iSmartHealth – HealthCare Provider Data Ochroid Repository
It’s not enough for healthcare organizations to simply store provider data; it must be accurate and complete. Sound practices around provider data quality is part of operational management. Part of this management includes provider directories that are an invaluable resource to your network.
S3BGlobal Provider Data Master Repository provides organizations with complete, current, and comprehensive providers’ data that can transform their health management. S3BGlobal ochroid repository for provider information and data governance standards helps clients make decisions with confidence.
iSmartPersonIndex– Enterprise Master Person Matching Data Index
Person matching records is necessary for accurate quality measures, financial reporting, and population management, but determining which specific records belong to each person is a challenging problem. Person Index management solution includes unique person identifier within the enterprise and across the systems.
S3BGlobal Person Data Identity Algorithm provides organizations a method to aggregate different data sources in the Platform with multiple ways to link records together. The Platform use a deterministic algorithm to focus on the enterprise master person index values to match person from multiple systems.

iOCRManager – Intelligent document automation software.
We help companies review and process millions of pages of financial documents every month. Unlike traditional OCR, the S3BGlobal OCR solution can capture any field, on a broad set of document types – regardless of the format or quality – and transform it into decision-ready data, helping businesses process documents more accurately & faster, saving money and time while enabling scale.
S3BGlobal Intelligent OCR Manager goes beyond traditional optical character recognition (OCR) and business process workflows with best-in-class human touch document analysis process.